Smile has been a 25 year process. Originally I hired a firm to write some
software that would manage our medical practice. It was a fun start and a good
project. About a third of the way through the company I hired became caught
in financial difficulties that lead to going out of business. Before all the
programers were gone I became friends with a few and asked for their help. We
preserved the manuals and everyone was gracious to give me a start by teaching
me the fundamentals of programing.
I finished the project myself, and have continued to enhance the package so
that it has done more and more every year.
Stay tuned to this page, I am going to add 25 years of history.
Patient Registration
Patient Data Inquiry/Edit
Patient Data Scan via Name, Responsible Party, Employer, Account Number
Transaction Entry via Charges, Adjustments, Payments, or Diagnosis
Chart Print Module to include Regular, Follow-Up, Examination, Eye,
Back, or Physical Medicine
Over 100 Special Forms for Special Circumstances
Documentation of Procedures for Physician/Provider Notes
Documentation of Procedures for Radiograph and Laboratory Reports
Documentation of Procedures for Professional Reports
Automatic General Ledger Entries for all Postings
Staff Time Cards / Payroll / 1099 Disbursements
Employer Client Database for protocols of W/C and Exams
V-Provider Client Database for protocols of Consultants
Electronic Monthly reports sent to clients via FAX or E-Mail
Electronic Monthly Invoices sent to clients via FAX or E-Mail
Daily generations of CMA-1500 forms for manual claims when necessary
Daily Audit Reports
Monthly Audit Reports
Monthly Client Reports
Monthly Utilization and Review Reports
White Board - Tracks all unfinsihed work
Electronic Downloads from Laboratories
Special NIDA and NON-NIDA Drug Screen Tracking
Ec-Screen Generations (Quick Screen Module)
OffSite Patient Management Module
Automatic Random Selection Service for Drug Screens and Breath Alcohol
Control your "Practice Management" with Smile We can help